The LCCEF Executive Council Officers (EC) is committed to sharing pertinent information in a timely manner while not inundating our members with unnecessary email. Our members have indicated they are overwhelmingly in favor of using a more passive approac ...
Communications Update 1-6-2020 – Farewell from past EC
Final Message from Robin To my Colleagues and Friends Just a few parting words as I step down from the Presidency and return to supporting our Union in a lesser role on committees and councils. First, I want to thank the outgoing LCCEF team and K ...
11/12/2019 Communications Update
We need you! We need each other! Please consider running for office. Officer Elections opened November 1st. The Nomination period will conclude this week, November 15 at 4:30pm. Elections Chair Don Patton can provide you with a nomination form ...
Filter SPAM in gmail (avoid the troll!)
Many of you have noticed the uptick in SPAM coming through gmail and have asked "How do I avoid reading this crap?". Unfortunately, there isn't a great way to stop the trolls who send email that no one wants to read so it's up to you, individually, to blo ...
Wear Red Wednesday 10/16/2019
Just a reminder. Bargaining on our contract is not complete and LCCEA (the faculty union) is in active bargaining. Tomorrow there is also a Board of Ed meeting on campus. Wear red to show solidarity with LCCEA and remind management and the board that ...
9/16/2019 Communications Update
Constitution Amendment Vote Details Details about each of these amendments: 1. Assign membership application and withdrawal duties to the membership chair 2. ...
9/4/2019 Communications Update
General Membership Meeting Recap Thanks to those members who attended Tuesday’s meeting and educated themselves on the first 10 proposed changes to our constitution recommended by our Constitution Committee. The remaining proposed changes will be on a ...
Classified Employees Appreciation Picnic
YOU’RE INVITED! In appreciation for all you do for Lane, I invite you to enjoy a picnic on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019 outside the Center building. Burgers and veggie burgers with all the fixings will be served from noon to 2 p.m. Come out and enjoy g ...
8/19/2019 Weekly Communications Update
Bargaining Don’t take down those “Fair Contract Now” signs yet! The Bargaining Team picked up its team meetings (without administration) this Monday to work out next steps for the following outstanding terms in the approved MOA: Senate ...