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November Newsletter, Issue #67

Issue # 67: November 16, 2023

Update from the President

Frankie Cocanour

Update from the President



The college has passed a counter proposal for Article 18, which counters our proposal for an actual comp and class study to be done. The idea was that the college would have to 1) complete the study, and 2) make adjustments to classifications and compensation based on that study. Your bargaining team proposed a task force to complete the study, because classified professionals know the work we do better than anyone, often including our managers. The college crossed out almost the entire, well-thought-out proposal we’d presented rather than working with us to develop a plan, and instead proposed to hire a consultant to do the study, with no real commitment to action after the study is completed. If you were at Lane in 2004 or 2019, you know that the college has a poor track record of following through on its commitments to do this type of study, and this history makes their proposal particularly egregious – why should we believe they’ll follow through this time?

Your bargaining team thinks this is unacceptable – classified professionals across this campus are constantly overworked and underpaid, and part of the problem is that the classifications are outdated and people aren’t being compensated for the actual work they are doing, which is often the workloads of two, three, or four or more people. If you think this is unacceptable, or you have a coworker who you know is struggling because of misclassification, fill out a testimonial form and join us on Friday for bargaining! Let the college know that classified professionals deserve better.

College Counter Proposal For Article 18

COPE Committee:

Our COPE officer will be putting out a request for committee members in the next week. If you are interested in who the union endorses for local, state, and federal offices, please contact Fiora Starchild-Wolf.


Announcements and Reminders

Executive Officer Elections 2023

Curious about who’s running? Check out the elections web page.

You are all invited! Four of our candidates have requested Meet the Candidate Zoom sessions: 

Zack Roush, Elections Committee: October 31, 2023, at 12:00 PM


Linda Reling, Treasurer: November 2, 2023, at 12:00 PM


Buck Potter, Membership Officer: November 3, 2023, at 12:00PM


Claire Graman, Communications Officer: November 3, 2023 at 12:30PM


Take care,

Elections Committee


Office Hours / Contact Us

Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation

The GTFF, a union representing more than 1,400 Graduate Employees, has been in contentious contract negotiations with the University of Oregon since March 2023. The UO’s refusal to provide a contract that enables GEs to live with dignity has pushed GTFF members to prepare for a potential strike.

Don’t to the University of Oregon’s Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation Strike Fund!

Newsletter Feedback

We want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback on our Weekly Newsletter.  Newsletter Feedback Survey Google Form


Friday, November 17, 2023 AT 2:00 pm

Attend in person as an observer in LCC Building 30, Room 121 or online in LCCEFs Zoom

Members have requested to see the proposed Articles of the Bargaining Team and the College Team. Below is a link you can use to get in the weeds with your Bargaining Team!

Current Articles for Bargaining

Members are welcomed to observe via Zoom with your microphones and cameras OFF, please. I will be running a Slack Chat to allow observers to chat with me and I can pass ideas to the team at the table. I will actually be at the table also but also in the chat and the Slack chat to answer questions you may have. Email me your private email address to: colinlccef@ so I can add you to the Slack chat. There is also a link below for anyone to RSVP on a Google form. You will find the link for the bargaining meeting below:



RSVP for bargaining Slack Chat

Vice President of Labor Relations

Buck Potter (2022-2023 Term)

Vice President of Organizing

Colin Vurek (2023-2024 Term)

Greetings members, bargaining continues tomorrow Friday, November 17, 2023 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm in Building 30. Please see the above announcement for further information. We love to see you all there in-person for the action planned by the CAT.

CAT is working on a number of in-person actions at the next bargaining session on Friday, November 17, 2023 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm in Building 30 room 121. It is extremely important that observers use the LCCEF Zoom link and NOT the one that the college sends out! We want to have better control over how members-observers are viewing the session! 

CAT is also working on an Action for the December 6, 2023 Board of Education meeting. We’ll keep you posted on the plans as they develop. 

We are also planning a Membership Drive in December. Stay tuned! We’d love for more members to be part of the Drive. 

LCCEFs Zoom meets every Wednesday at 12:00pm to 1:00pm. If you’d like to join and help out with actions, membership drives and be part of something big email me at:!



Grievance Officer

Claudia Riumallo (2023-2024 Term)


Linda Reling (2022-2023 Term)

Contract Highlight of the Week – Court and Jury Duty

An employee called for jury duty or as a witness in a case in which the employee is not personally involved shall be paid the regular salary for each of the days the employee was previously scheduled to work, provided that all monies received as jury duty pay or witness fees are turned over to the College.

Employees shall return to work immediately when less than a normal work day is required by such duty.

LCCEF Contract

Records Officer

Tracy Weimer (2022-2024 Term)

Communications Officer

Marleena Pearson (2022-2023 Term)

Will you be there Friday for bargaining? 

The IEC meeting has me playing a bit of catch up to get into what topics where covered and in Safety Committee we had only a small number of accident reports, and are preparing for Ice/Snow Procedures this winter. Do you have any OSHA type safety concerns on campus?

Membership Officer

Skye Nguyen (2022-2023 Term)

If there are any questions about membership or someone has interest in joining, they can reach out to me ( or fill out the online membership form!

Your Benefit Info of the Week

Did you know that members get some really useful benefits? This week we are highlighting  the AFT Legal Program with Metlife! If you are thinking of looking into legal services for a personal matter you might be able to find a more affordable price through your union membership benefits. Some of the options include hiring an attorney or just asking a legal question. Review the details of this program and see if it might be a good fit for you.

Find out what other benefits you are qualified for as union members by going to

Resources you may need!

Submit an Important Life Event for you or another member may have coming up.

Chief Labor Delegate

Mark Jordan (2022-2023 Term)

COPE Officer

Fiora Starchild-Wolf (2022-2023 Term)

Officer At Large

Katie Neall (2023-2024 Term)


Today is the day!!! It’s happening. 

We are having our first New Employee Orientation for C3 Employees

It will be held today November 16th, in Building 4, Room 106, from 2:30-4:30pm


If you can join in person please use the Zoom link below to join virtually!

Zoom link is available for those who can’t attend in person.

There will be a meet and greet as well as an informational portion to the orientation, so please join us this afternoon! It’s going to be a great way to connect with your fellow coworkers in a meaningful way and hopefully will facilitate a stronger sense of fellowship between us here on campus. I look forward to seeing you there.

As we continue bargaining efforts, I encourage all our 1039, C3 Classified Employees: 1039er’s, though you may not always feel it, YOUR VOICE MATTERS, so please commit to attend the upcoming Board of Education Meeting, December 6th, 6-9pm B3/216. Bring a friend! 

If you feel comfortable, sign up to speak to the board in person, or upload a letter to boarddocs. Let the board and administration know how you feel as a classified employee at Lane. Now is the time to speak up! If you want help writing a letter, reach out to me; I’d love to help. I used to be an instructional support staff here at LCC while working towards my degree, and I tutored grammar and writing in The Writing Center.

Stay connected to LCCEF


Subscribe to Calendar: LCCEF Union Google Calendar

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