Issue # 62: October 12, 2023
Update from the President
Frankie Cocanour
I apologize for being out last week, I had a family emergency. I have not had the chance to go back and listen to what was happening. I did look at what was happening in the Slack channel and it didn’t seem like it was a great bargaining session.
This week’s bargaining session I know that we will go over the counter proposals that the college gave to us yesterday: New Article 14 that deals with the hiring and the hiring processes and New Article 12 – Layoff, ‘Bump’, Recall, and Seniority. The bargaining team is meeting tonight to go over what we will be discussing in bargaining tomorrow outside of the counter proposals. Please don’t forget to watch bargaining. Better yet, show up wearing RED! You can find us in Building 30 room 121.
AI Taskforce:
We are seeking 4 Classified Professionals who can commit to two academic years.
The AI Taskforce is a collaborative, multi-stakeholder group that will play a pivotal role in helping our institution understand and shape our response to the emergence and potential of AI.
Generative AI presents both exciting opportunities and complex challenges.
The Taskforce will engage in exploration and discussion of the following topics in relation to AI:
- Exploration of intentional incorporation of AI in the classroom.
- Safeguarding and educating students on academic integrity.
- Keeping data secure in light of new technologies
- Addressing pedagogy and student assessment.
- Exploring new academic programming and fields of study that include AI technologies.
- Develop expertise in the area of AI.
- Ensuring and promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in this new technological landscape specifically utilizing Lane’s Equity Lens in all deliberations.
The expected term of membership for employee groups is two academic years with the completion of taskforce duties in June 2025. Student membership terms can be adapted and flexible to allow for maximum student engagement. Maximum commitment of time for taskforce members (employee groups): 1 to 3 hours per week.
Please send an email to Frankie Cocanour if you are interested, it will be first come first serve.
IEC Appointment:
We are still attempting to fill this position.
The LCCEF has an opportunity to appoint one more member to the IEC (member list). Ideally, they are looking for someone who has time to work in a subcommittee to write reports and join monthly meetings. No experience needed. The time commitment is from 2-4 hours / month depending upon their availability.
Please email me if you are interested. cocanourf@lanecc.edu
HECC Community College Support Fund:
LCC will be receiving $1,355,389 more than was forecasted in the budget and reported to our board last month when they announced layoffs. We are hoping that this will mean that they don’t need to lay off or retrench anyone
Announcements and Reminders
Executive Officer Elections 2023
Remember, elections open soon!
The nomination period opens October 6 at 3pm.
These following positions will be up for election:
- Vice President of Labor Relations
- Membership Officer
- Communications Officer
- Treasurer
- Chief Labor Delegate
- Cope Officer
- Elections Committee Member
There will also be a small ballot measure to define the term of office for the election committee. Please think about running for an office! Reach out to elections@lccef.org if you have any questions.
WE HAVE NEW T-SHIRTS WE HAVE PLENTY OF EVERY SIZE. Please email me at colinlccef@gmail.com to get yours!
Friday, October 13, 2023 AT 2:00pm! This is a Special session as we are moving along in bargaining.
Members are welcomed to observe via Zoom with your microphones and cameras OFF, please. I will be running a Slack Chat to allow observers to chat with me and I can pass ideas to the team at the table. I will actually be at the table also but also in the chat and the Slack chat to answer questions you may have. Email me your private email address to: colinlccef@ gmail.com so I can add you to the Slack chat. There is also a link below for anyone to RSVP on a Google form. You will find the link for the bargaining meeting below:
LCCEFs Zoom https://lanecc.zoom.us/j/99506142128
Feel free to use the image below as your Zoom background.

RSVP for bargaining Slack chat
I buttons and also have window clings for you to flaunt your support for your union!
Newsletter Feedback
We want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback on our Weekly Newsletter. Newsletter Feedback Survey Goggle Form
Vice President of Labor Relations
Buck Potter (2022-2023 Term)
Vice President of Organizing
Colin Vurek (2023-2024 Term)
CAT is making some plans for some exciting actions in the near future. Stay tuned!
CAT meets every Wednesday at 12:00pm to 1:00pm. If you’d like to join and help out with actions, membership drives and be part of something big email me at: colinlccef@gmail.com!
Grievance Officer
Claudia Riumallo (2023-2024 Term)
Linda Reling (2022-2023 Term)
Excellent financial news! For anyone who hasn’t heard, Oregon is giving a huge kicker when we file our 2023 taxes next year. You can look up the amount you’ll receive on the revenue website. Here’s a link: Revenue Online – What’s My Kicker?
Records Officer
Tracy Weimer (2022-2024 Term)
Communications Officer
Marleena Pearson (2022-2023 Term)
Attend Bargaining Friday!
Membership Officer
Skye Nguyen (2022-2023 Term)
Hello everyone! Bargaining is getting into the deep water the further we go into the term, are you coming to the sessions on Fridays? An additional note is that I do not plan on running for membership officer again this year. I hope I can help the new membership transition easier by still being around though!
If there are any questions about membership or someone has interest in joining, they can reach out to me (membership@lccef.org) or fill out the online membership form!
Your Benefit Info of the Week
Did you know that members get some really useful benefits? This week we are highlighting BeFrugal, a benefit available for our members! A lot of holidays are coming up and why not save some money at the same time. Learn more about how to use this benefit on the Cash Back Shopping AFT page.
Resources you may need!
- How to update your physical address on Expresslane.
- Complete this form for a Membership card or a new membership card! If you are a new member, one may have already been requested, contact the LCCEF Membership Officer for info.
Submit an Important Life Event for you or another member may have coming up.
Chief Labor Delegate
Mark Jordan (2022-2023 Term)
COPE Officer
Fiora Starchild-Wolf (2022-2023 Term)
Officer At Large
Katie Neall (2023-2024 Term)
The past few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind, and our union has been hard at work trying to move forward with contract bargaining, despite clear resistance from the administration.
Coming up tomorrow:
Friday, October 12, 2023 AT 2:00pm there is a special bargaining session as we continue to move along with negotiations.
We are encouraging our general membership to attend via Zoom. The link is above in President Frankie’s update.
I would like to challenge our classified professional members to attend this bargaining session. Maybe even bring a friend! I know many of us are busy and feeling overworked, but we are in a crucial moment; we must all come together in a tight, cohesive group as we continue to fight for the future of classified professionals at LaneCC.
In the meantime, I still want to hear from you, especially C3, 1040 classified professionals. I am currently doing outreach on campus in person and via email. I want to know how you’re doing! If you know some C3s, let them know that as Officer at Large, I am here to advocate for them and their needs on campus. Email me at katherine.neall@gmail.com.

Stay connected to LCCEF
Website: https://lccef.org/
Subscribe to Calendar: LCCEF Union Google Calendar
Email address: lccef@lanecc.edu