LCCEF again signed a joint statement with ASLCC and LCCEF. The Administration released their proposed budget for FY24 on BoardDocs over the weekend as you are already aware. The proposed budget is not balanced with any reductions. Instead, the FY24 budget would be balanced by using $4,398,890 from the ending fund balance of Fund I (reserves). This would use more than half of the reserves in a single year, leaving only $3.4M in the ending fund balance by the end of next year with significant planned deficit spending. This is very alarming and is not needed. It would do irreparable harm to the college if the administration was allowed to spend over half of our reserves.
What that could mean in the future is that more departments will need to be cut and less wage increases. The Budget Development Subcommittee has already worked out three budget proposals that would not include the need to borrow over half our of reserve.
What happened in 2020 the Pandemic demonstrates how important it is for our college to have something to fall back on. We should never take for granted that COVID, another health crisis, or some fiscal disaster that affects our Nation can happen again. We need to be better prepared.
Please read the statement that was jointly signed by LCCEF, LCCEA and LCCSGA!