Issue # 36: April 13, 2023
Update from the President
Frankie Cocanour (2022-2024 Term)
Last week at the bargaining session the College presented their Article 3 proposal. The bargaining team has been reviewing their proposal as we had already prepared our own version of Article 3. We have spent several meetings going over Article 3 and we have come up with a proposal to return to them. The College wanted to move the definitions to the beginning, update the pronouns, and remove/update language around student workers as we no longer have food services. This accomplished some of the same goals we had for the article update. While the changes may seem simple, our team puts a lot of thought and work into the proposal that we return. The college yesterday presented a couple articles for us to review; those are Articles 5 and 11. We have reviewed these, which are pronoun updates and moving language without changing it, and will have a chance to ask questions to verify and respond on Tuesday
While we are not bargaining for anything exciting such as wages, we are working through the items of shared interest building and getting the easier updates out of the way. These articles could be what we use when you are having issues in your workplace. We will get to more heated topics as we get closer to the economic pieces of bargaining.
It is still important to our union that we have members show up to watch in person or via zoom and show the college that the whole contract matters. For those that have been there watching and supporting the bargaining team we say thank you! Seeing everyone there adds a level of comfort and it just feels great. We might work all over this campus, but in the end we are one team and it shows. Thank you!
Announcements and Reminders

Bargaining 2023
See Colin’s the VP of Organizing update below for more information.
Bargaining Survey Bargaining Survey 2/28/2023
Newsletter Feedback
We want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback on our Weekly Newsletter. Newsletter Feedback Survey Goggle Form
Vice President of Labor Relations
Buck Potter (2022-2023 Term)
Vice President of Organizing
Colin Vurek (2023-2024 Term)
Greetings members,
Members are welcomed to observe via Zoom with your microphones and cameras OFF, please. I will be running a Google Chat to allow observers to chat with me and I can pass ideas to the team at the table. I will actually be at the table also but bouncing into the chat to answer questions you may have. Email me your private email address to: colinlccef@ gmail.com so I can add you to the Slack chat. There is also a link below for anyone to RSVP on a Google form. You will find the link for the bargaining meeting below:
Join Zoom Meeting https://lanecc.zoom.us/j/96183623044
Meeting ID: 961 8362 3044
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,96183623044# US (Houston)
+16694449171,,96183623044# US
Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Feel free to use the image below as your Zoom background.

We have a Membership Drive scheduled for the week of May 8-12, 2023. CAT members and myself will be coming to departments for brief chats.
THE NEW T-SHIRTS HAVE ARRIVED. WE HAVE PLENTY OF EVERY SIZE. Please email me at colinlccef@gmail.com to get yours!
I also have window clings and stickers for you to flaunt your support for your union! See below!

Grievance Officer
Dawn Rupp (2023-2024 Term)
Hope all are doing well. Not much to report. Still trying to support people who are in need. I don’t know about you but I could use at least a week of sunshine!
Let us know if you need any support from your EC team.
Earth Week Events
The Sustainability Committee is hosting a series of events for Earth Week 2023. All of the events are free and open to the entire campus community. The attached poster has the list of activities with locations and times.
Submitted by the Sustainability Committee

Quote(s) for the week:
“Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers.” —Socrates
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” ―Helen Keller
Linda Reling (2022-2023 Term)
Linda has been out of the office.
Records Officer
Tracy Weimer (2022-2024 Term)
Communications Officer
Marleena Pearson (2022-2023 Term)
Meetings, Proposals, Information Requests, oh my! Bargaining is still in the slow stages, meeting with the College every two weeks, exchanging the smaller easier subject matter proposals. The closer we get to the money, the more the topics will get heated.
Right now, we need to show the College we are united by wearing red, showing LCCEF swag, building worksite leaders, and increasing membership.
As we review parts of the contract, it really demonstrates how our success depends on having eyes and ears in the departments who can communicate to the EC when the contract isn’t being followed. Do you have water cooler conversations with your co-workers about the activities of management in your department/division? That’s half of the job right there. Let’s make those conversations meaningful and have an impact on improving our workplace.
Membership Officer
Skye Nguyen (2022-2023 Term)
The term is feeling busier than normal, I hope you all are having a good week!
If there are any questions about membership or someone has interest in joining, they can reach out to me (membership@lccef.org) or fill out the online membership form. 🙂
Your Benefit Info of the Week
Did you know that members get some really useful benefits? This week we are highlighting discounts on new car purchases. Did you lose a car to mechanical issues or maybe just unexpectedly? Take advantage and save on your next car, now or later, when you buy a union-made car. Check out the details on qualifying cars and how to use this discount on AFT’s website.
Find out what other benefits you are qualified for as union members by going to AFT.org.
Resources you may need!
- How to update your physical address on Expresslane.
- Complete this form for a Membership card or a new membership card! If you are a new member, one may have already been requested, contact the LCCEF Membership Officer for info.
- Submit an Important Life Event for you or another member may have coming up.
Chief Labor Delegate
Mark Jordan (2022-2023 Term)
COPE Officer
Fiora Starchild-Wolf (2022-2023 Term)
Officer At Large
Are you a frustrated 1039 employee that feels like there isn’t much that the union does for you? Well, please join our team and help create a way for the executive council to serve the 1039 employees better. There is a position available for 1039 employees on the council. This is the best way for 1039 employees to assist with what needs to make the contract more equitable. The only way to change the working conditions that you don’t like or feel that are not equitable is to stand up and fight for it. This position was created so that 1039 employees could have a voice. We are asking for this position to be filled because it is important and there are so many 1039 employees who are frustrated with the contract.

Stay connected to LCCEF
Website: https://lccef.org/
Subscribe to Calendar: LCCEF Union Google Calendar
Email address: lccef@lanecc.edu
Resources you may need!
Submit an Important Life Event for you or another member may have coming up.
How to update your physical address on Expresslane.