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February Newsletter, Issue #29

Issue # 29: February 21, 2023

Update from the President

Frankie Cocanour (2022-2024 Term)

The Value of a Union Voice:

Is there really value in the voice of a union? There is an actual value. We can see the obvious when we look back in history and realize that workers didn’t use to get weekends and holidays off. You got paid whatever the employer would be willing to pay, which could be very low,since there was no minimum wage. Kids were frequently working with adults and you needed your kids to work so that you could afford to support the whole family. 

There is an organization in the Pacific Northwest that is preserving workers’ history and heritage in the PNW. They have documented everything from a fire that ripped through the Imperial Powder Company in Chehalis Washington 1911, that killed 8 young women, to more recently the Weyerhaeuser workers’ strike and the Starbucks Union Wave. You can go to their website and learn more about union history or even become a member. 

Pacific Northwest Labor History Association

COPPS Policy on School Closure:

I am keeping this information in the newsletter due to the forecasts for weather in our area for the next week or so. We never know what can happen as we watch the forecast. We could or could not get snow and ice. We never know around here. My Dad frequently has me laughing about the unexpected blizzard that happened here when he was a teenager. Let’s just say that he and his brothers were something else! My poor Grandmother!

With us working at home now that had me looking at the COPPS policy. The policy is still what it was prior to covid. The only place where I could find anything about remote work is if you are already scheduled for remote work you should continue as scheduled in the online questions about weather closures.

Both links are below, hopefully they can help you navigate through future weather closures.

COPPS Policy on School Closure

Weather Closure Information

Remember, you cannot move a mountain single handedly.


Announcements and Reminders


Newsletter Feedback

We want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback on our Weekly Newsletter.  Newsletter Feedback Survey Goggle Form

Vice President of Labor Relations

Buck Potter (2022-2023 Term)

In the last two weeks, I have had meetings with Classified Professionals on this campus who are being told that now that they are hired, that their duties are going to shift from what they were originally hired for.  While there is an “other duties as assigned” line in all positions that are created on this campus for Classified, the scope of your work should remain attached to your job position description.  A Director/Dean can work you up to 20% outside of classification as stated in the COPPS policy, which would equate to 1 day a week for 1.0 FTE positions.  Workload issues are also another big topic on this campus as well, and we need to all stand and say that we won’t do the work of more than one person, and make the College Administration accountable for the over 300 hourly timesheet positions that we lost in March 2020, which actually accounts for over 100 1.0 FTE Classified positions. 

I strongly recommend that LCCEF members become familiar with our current LCCEF Contract, along with the COPPS page on the Lane website.  

I’m going to keep this information up in light of the above statement.  Keep being vigilant to using your  Weingarten Rights for disciplinary conversations from Managers.  Please Do Not Be Afraid To Use Them! 

Here’s some links concerning your rights as well: 

Weingarten Rights | National Labor Relations Board – Nat’l Labor Relations Board

Weingarten Rights | Beaverton Chapter 48– Beaverton OSEA Chapter – Exact language to use should you be in a meeting that is potentially going disciplinary.

Vice President of Organizing

Colin Vurek (2023-2024 Term)

Greeting Members,  

Membership Week 3/13-3/17/2023. Be ready for an awesome Raffle throughout the week! You can win prizes by participating in some of the actions we’ll be calling for, new t-shirts (have arrived), and LCCEF Swag!

Also the Executive Council meetings date and time has changed to Wednesday mornings at 11am. Members are allowed to observe for a portion of the meeting until there are items that may be confidential. Below is the link for the next meeting this Wednesday, February 22 2023. 

Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 990 9266 5560

 One tap mobile

+12532158782,,99092665560# US (Tacoma)

 Dial by your location 

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)


To get your T-shirt email me at:

T-shirt sizes and count                                         

  • Small – 9
  • Medium – 33
  • Large – 31
  • Extra Large – 6

I also have window clings and stickers for you to flaunt your support for your union! See below!



Grievance Officer

Dawn Rupp (2023-2024 Term)

We are halfway through winter term and the weather is crazy. Below is some info about compensation when you report to work during college closures.

General Guidelines For Compensation (college closures)

All bargaining unit members, part-time credit instructors and management employees, scheduled to work on the school closure day should be paid as if they worked their regular schedule. Employees required to work when the school is closed on a regularly scheduled work day should be provided time off with pay on a straight-time basis.

If you have someone that you would like to recognize for a job well done consider sending them some chocolate.

Check out the following wellness opportunities for employees for Winter 2023 at

Quote(s) of the week:

“Be sure when you step, step with care and great tact. And remember that life is a great balancing act.” -Dr. Seuss, author

“If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.” -Banksy, artist


Linda Reling (2022-2023 Term)

I am working on paying bills and we’re all preparing for bargaining.

Records Officer

Tracy Weimer (2022-2024 Term)

This week is the Northwest Regional Equity Conference up at Clark College, I am looking forward to hearing the speakers and attending virtually on their event platform. This one and the Belonging at Work Summit are my two favorite annuals from my time in DEI. If you are like me, going to things wears me out (normally) but not for NWREC, it feeds the soul. Good Times. 

Communications Officer

Marleena Pearson (2022-2023 Term)

Are you happy with how things are running on campus for classified staff? What are you willing to do to fix it?

Membership Week 3/13-3/17/2023.

Membership Officer

Skye Nguyen (2022-2023 Term)

After a quick vacation I am back to membership duties. Looking forward to seeing how bargaining progresses, and hope we see members when open bargaining begins later on!

If there are any questions about membership or someone has interest in joining, they can reach out to me or fill out the membership form to send to me ( 🙂

Membership Cards

We noticed a lot of members may not have membership cards. This membership card has your member ID on it and can help prove that you are a part of the union! Please complete this quick Google form and we will request a membership card for you! If you already have a membership card please do not submit this form.

Your Benefit Info of the Week

Did you know that members get some really useful benefits? This week we are highlighting discounts on new car purchases. Did you lose a car to mechanical issues or maybe just unexpectedly? Take advantage and save on your next car, now or later, when you buy a union-made car. Check out the details on qualifying cars and how to use this discount on AFT’s website

Find out what other benefits you are qualified for as union members by going to

Resources you may need!

Chief Labor Delegate

Mark Jordan (2022-2023 Term)

COPE Officer

Fiora Starchild-Wolf (2022-2023 Term)

Direct political work today!  

If you have time and want to participate in helping to create real legislation in Oregon that will have an impact on Lane and all Oregon public colleges, as well as our students, there is an opportunity today!

The following is a copy from an email about the Hunger-Free Campuses bill, being heard today in the Oregon House,  that was sent to me yesterday by Rosa Lopez.  Please click the links for information about the bill, as well as how to participate :  

I am super excited to announce that a Hunger-Free Campuses bill is being presented in this legislative session! HB 3089 creates an incentive program that would send funding to public colleges and universities that address student hunger on campus. Any college or university is eligible to access these funds if they:

  • Establish a hunger task force that meets a minimum of three times per academic year to set at least two goals with action plans and includes representatives from the current student body.
  • Designate a staff member responsible for assisting students with enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
  • Provide options for students to utilize SNAP benefits at campus stores OR provide students with information on establishments in the surrounding area of campus where they can utilize SNAP EBT benefits.
  • Participate in an awareness day campaign activity and plan a campus awareness event during National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week.
  • Provide at least one physical food pantry on campus OR enable students to receive food through a separate, stigma-free arrangement with a local food pantry or food bank near campus.
  • Develop a student meal credit donation program OR designate a certain amount of money for free meal vouchers for students.
  • Annually conduct a student survey on hunger, developed by the Department of Education, disaggregated by race, gender identity, sexual orientation, parenting status and financial aid status of students.

If you are interested in providing either written or oral testimony in support of this bill, here is information on how to provide testimony

For more information, please reach out to Nick Keough, Legislative Director at Oregon Student Association at

For more information about higher ed bills to support this session, please visit: Oregon Student Association on Instagram

Board positions opening up in the upcoming May Special Election:

More direct political work you can help with:

In May, there will be a Special Election in Oregon, and among other things, the LCC Board of Education will have some openings, as Rosie Pryor, Angela VanKrause, and Holli Johnson will not be running again.  

I have already been contacted by Lisa Fragala about possible LCCEF endorsement.

If you have any ideas about who might be interested in running for the Board, please let me know.  

 Officer At Large


Did you know that members get some really useful benefits? This week we are highlighting discounts on computer purchases. Members can get a discount on select brands of computers. If you are needing to change your computer out, why not use a discount. More info about this discount on AFT’s website

Find out what other benefits you are qualified for as union members by going to

Resources you may need!

Submit an Important Life Event for you or another member may have coming up.

Stay connected to LCCEF


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