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October Newsletter, Issue #17

Issue # 17: November 8, 2022

Update from the President

Frankie Cocanour (2021-2022 Term)

Veteran’s Day

November 11th is Veteran’s day. Many of us will be celebrating our Combat Vets and our Veterans this year. As a military mom I remember the day my son informed me that he was joining the Navy, it was in November of 2014. Like the commercials we see on TV he had a speech planned out to explain to me his reasons for joining. His reasoning was not wanting to start his adult life with student debt, he has great goals of wanting to attend college and has worked very hard to earn the college money that he has earned.

 My heart dropped at that moment, but I 100% supported him in his choice and have so far been very lucky that my son has good assignments. His friend that I helped raise had a few years before joined the Marines and was stationed in Afghanistan when my son joined.  It was a stressful house that year. Lucky everyone has been okay, and I feel truly blessed to watch them both start a family.

There is a respect that I have for everyone who signs that line and is willing to do what is needed for all of us to continue on with our lives and to enjoy the freedoms that we have. Here at the college there are many Veterans that work here. If you have a Veteran in your department please remember them this Friday. I myself would like to say thank you so much to all of our Vets! I appreciate all of you for the willingness that you have had to make the sacrifice of signing the line. And to all of our combat Vets, I’m so grateful that you all are here! Thank you all for your service!

“A Soldiers Mom”

Submitted by: Catherine Hezlep

Category: Poetry

  • This is my prayer, I give it for you, I give it for all of you. I pray for you everyday, I pray for strength, both yours and mine. As much as I pray for your safety, I ask that I may be strong for you. I ask for forgiveness ,Begging my sins not follow you.

I ask to be home for your call, That I find the right words to say.I gave passage for your life I gave it to you freely.Please know a mother’s heart knows no endNor does it know greater fear Than for it’s child.

I pray for your peace of mind, Your steady aim, For your intuition and senses to be keen. I pray you find happiness in your heart And kindness when you are far from home.I pray you keep fond and happy memories Of a life you will someday return to.

I pray that you know home Will always welcome you with open arms. I pray you have kindred spirits to watch over you. I pray you feel strength from above. I pray you realize you do not walk alone,

I walk with you always. I pray you realize that the things you do Bring peace and security to a grateful nation.I pray we all realize what it takesFor you to stand watch over a fearful world.

Most of all, I pray you know that I am proud to be a soldier’s mom. I am proud simply to be your mom. I stand strong beside you, in body and in spirit. Be strong, be safe, and ever vigilant. The light of home shines for you.

About the author:

I am a member of the American Legion Aux. in LaPlata, Maryland – Post 82.

This poem is dedicated to my son, Jake, I wrote this while he was on his first deployment to Afghanistan. He  served two tours in Afghanistan with the Army and came home with a Purple Heart and the medal of Valor.

American Legion

LCC Academic Calendars

People have asked if we will receive any extra days off during the holidays. We asked Dr. Stephanie Bulger if the college would consider closing the college during the December holiday this year. She is not at this time going to close the college during the holidays this year or next year. She said that the Board of Education has already approved this year’s academic calendar and next years and she is not going to add any extra days to the calendars. I’ve included links to our academic calendars.

2022-2023 Calendar

2023-2024 Calendar

Federal Student Loan Relief:

You have until December 31, 2023. They will determine your eligibility then  contact you if they need more information from you. Right now you can still apply, but the program is on hold.

Announcements and Reminders


EC Election Timeline:

  • October 31st- November 4th – Meet the Candidate zooms
  • Election opens 12:01am – November 7th — 11:59pm November 20th – 
  • November 21st – Results announced
  • Also on ballot we are asking members to approve the purchase of new t-shirts!

Executive Council Positions:

  • President
  • Vice President of Organizing
  • Grievance Officer
  • Records Officer
  • Officer At Large

EC Election Timeline:

  • October 31st- November 4th – Meet the Candidate zooms
  • 12:01am – November 7th — 11:59pm November 20th – Election is open
  • November 21st – Results announced

Newsletter Feedback

We want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback on our Weekly Newsletter.  Newsletter Feedback Survey Go

Vice President of Labor Relations

Buck Potter (2022-2023 Term)

Good Tuesday and Election Day to you!  Please make sure to get out and Vote before 8 PM Today. 

I felt today was a good day to do a historic look back at our own Labor Union, American Federation of Teachers – A Union of Professionals.  AFT has been around since 1916, and if you would like to learn more about AFT’s history, here’s a link to their About Page: 

History | American Federation of Teachers

I also wanted to remind you of the links below, which have been up for a couple of weeks.  I’ve still been hearing from members that they have a hesitation to use their Weingarten Rights.  Please Do Not Be Afraid To Use Them!  

Here’s some links concerning your rights as well: 

Here’s some links concerning your rights as well: 

Weingarten Rights | National Labor Relations Board – Nat’l Labor Relations Board

Weingarten Rights | Beaverton Chapter 48– Beaverton OSEA Chapter – Exact language to use should you be in a meeting that is potentially going disciplinary

Have a Fantastic week!

Vice President of Organizing

Colin Vurek (2021-2022 Term)


Greetings LCCEF members!

Join Communications Officer Marleena Pearson and Vice President or Organizing Colin Vurek Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 12:00pm to discuss ways that LCCEF members can get involved in your union!

Here’s the Zoom link:

And please don’t forget that LCCEF members will be able to observe via Zoom. You can participate via chat in a separate Google chat room. I’ll be on both links.

I still have more union t-shirts available for Wear Red on Wednesdays! I’ll put the count below. If you are on campus, I’d love to deliver them personally to your office and meet you for a short chat. 

To get your T-shirt mail me at:

T-shirt sizes and count                                         

  • Small – 9
  • Medium – 33
  • Large – 32
  • Extra Large – 6

I also have window clings and stickers for you to flaunt your support for your union! See below! 



Grievance Officer

Dawn Rupp (2021-2022 Term)

Currently there are no grievances but working on a situation that may become a grievance because of what is perceived as a violation of Article 12.7.2. Information on that Article below. Success of 2 reassignments that will hopefully turn out to be a great change for individuals and departments. We are also working with a few other folks to help make their work experience as good as possible. If you are in need of help please feel free to reach out to any of your Executive Council members. Our next labor mgmt meeting is tentatively scheduled for 11/8/22. We will be off our usually every other Friday because of upcoming holidays on Fridays in November.

Please remember this Friday, November 11 is Veterans day, and I would personally like to thank all of our friends, colleagues, and family members who have worked diligently or supported others to protect us in the United States. We are in tumultuous times because of our difference of opinions during elections but I am so grateful for the opportunity to vote and have a difference of opinion and that is because of our Veterans!

12.7 Health and Safety

12.7.1 The Union and College agree that a safe and healthy work environment contributes to the prevention of injuries, accidents, and loss due to recognized hazards in the workplace. The parties will strive to maintain a safe and healthy work environment and will attempt to reduce risk and danger for all employees. An employee has the right to raise health and safety issues with the supervisor and/or the LCC Safety Committee. This partnership shall provide a channel for reporting and resolving safety concerns and issues in a timely manner.

12.7.2 The Union and the College agree that the maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment includes the expectation that all interactions among employees, and employees and managers, will be conducted with respect and courtesy.

Concerns about outsourcing have come to fruition as of late but I want to remind you that a grievance is a violation of contact and what I read in ARTICLE NINE – MANAGEMENT RIGHTS managers/administration may have rights that best serves the entire group of LCC personnel . We as the EC are of course diving deeper into what may be a violation of outsourcing language.

9.2.6 To contract or sub-contract work. However, the College shall consult with the Union on the impact of employees in the unit of such subcontracting of work presently being performed. The consultation with the Union will provide an opportunity for discussion of alternatives and for the Union to be advised of the College’s need to take such action.

All College proposals to outsource services under the existing language (see above) of Article 9.2.6 of the Union contract during the term of this agreement, shall be subject to the interim bargaining guidelines specified herein (see Article Nineteen). All College proposals to outsource bargaining unit services shall also require a majority vote of the College Board of Education.

Copies of purchase orders for outside services will be timely provided to the appropriate Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer, and the Union President. If, in the judgment of the Union, the cumulative effect of contracts/subcontracts has a negative impact on bargaining unit employees, the Union may request a meeting to discuss such concerns.

Quote(s) this week! ?

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John F. Kennedy

“Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.” Eleanor Roosevelt 


Linda Reling (2022-2023 Term)

I caught up on bills over the weekend and am feeling accomplished. 🙂

We are hoping to order new t-shirts this month so that everyone has one during the upcoming bargaining year. We will be reaching out to the election committee about holding a vote for your approval.

Records Officer

VACANT (2021-2022 Term)

While currently vacant, this role is up for election this term and would be for two years in 2023-2024. Here’s your chance to get involved behind the scenes. Do you love taking minutes? The Executive Council needs your help! Please reach out to LCCEF President Frankie Cocanour at: to express your interest.

Communications Officer

Marleena Pearson (2022-2023 Term)

We are seeing increased signs from the College that they are not interested in supporting Classified at a Board and Administration level. We are going to be facing a difficult bargaining session for a full contract as well as multiple small bargaining sessions due to changes in state laws. 

Members are needed to attend meetings, increase union strength awareness across campus, and prepare to rally and demonstrate.

We have another GMM coming up next week, we hope to see you there.

Contact us! We can have a conversation and find the best way for you to get involved in your union! 

Thank you for the newsletter feedback so far, we will continue to put effort into improving it.Help us make this newsletter work for you! Newsletter Feedback Survey Google Form

Membership Officer

VACANT (2022-2023 Term)

Enjoy reaching out to new employees? Interested in working closely with Colin and Linda to build out union membership with organizing and tracking?

Chief Labor Delegate

VACANT (2022-2023 Term)

Enjoy meeting with fellow unions in the county? Learning about what events, organizing, and partnerships are being offered throughout Lane County? Anyone appointed to this position would continue to serve the remaining one year of term in 2023.

COPE Officer

Fiora Starchild-Wolf (2022-2023 Term)

Today, Tuesday, Nov 8, is Election Day!

Things to do:   VOTE!!!  

I know you hear this all the time–Every Vote Counts!!  

Maybe you wonder if this is actually true.  Here are a few examples for you of races decided by very few votes, or even just one:

You have until 8 pm to get your ballot in.  You can drop it in any drop box.  Here is the Secretary of State’s official drop box locator:

If you are in line at 8 pm, you are allowed to drop your ballot.  There will likely be an elections worker at the drop box at that time to instruct you. 

You can also still drop it in the mail, but you must be CERTAIN that it will be postmarked today!  If mail pickup has already happened at that mailbox, it will not be counted, as it will postmark tomorrow.  If you live in Lane County and have any issues with voting, call Lane County Elections at (541) 682-4234. 


You may recognize a few faces here:

Last week, a small number of us at Lane were invited to a “round table” with Tina Kotek about Lane, and Oregon’s community colleges in general. She is very knowledgeable and gave her pledge that she believes community colleges are the key to workforce development and access to education for all–and wants to focus on OUR funding needs, including the needs of community college employees.

 This is a link to the Union Guide to the General Election 2022 from Northwest Labor Press.  This guide covers all of Oregon’s races, and gives information only if there is an endorsement from any union.  If you do not see a candidate on this list, it is because they have NO union endorsements, so you can be certain that if you vote for the names on this list, they are labor friendly.

 Officer At Large


This is another vacant position that is up for election this fall, anyone appointed would serve through the end of the year, so its a great way to try out the role! Are you a part- time timesheet employee who is looking to be more involved and help LCCEF build part-time power to increase benefits and working conditions for fellow part-timers?

Stay connected to LCCEF


Subscribe to Calendar: LCCEF Union Google Calendar

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