Issue # 19: November 22, 2022
Update from the President
Frankie Cocanour (2021-2022 Term)
General Membership Meeting:
This is a reminder that tomorrow Tuesday November 22nd we will be having two meetings. The first meeting will be at noon and the second meeting at 5:15 pm. I would like to encourage you to come to the meeting and discuss this with us. What we are bargaining for needs to equal out to what benefit that we stand to lose as a whole. It’s important that we all come together and have a good discussion about this. On Wednesday a poll will be sent out to dues paying members to make their selections on what they would like us to bargain for.
Dues update:
This is a reminder to our members, when you reach your annual maximum of $900, you will no longer see the union dues deduction on your paychecks. Your dues deduction will restart with the 1/10/2023 paycheck. If you have any questions please reach out with an email to LCCEF@lanecc.edu.
Announcements and Reminders

EC Election Results:
Here are the results of our election:
Frankie Cocanour 97%
Vice President, Organizing
Colin Vurek 99%
Grievance Officer
Dawn Rupp, 99%
Records Officer
Tracy Weimer, 53%
Skye Nguyen, 47%
Officer at Large
no write in candidate reached a majority
Also, the T-shirts have been approved by LCCEF members votes! Woot!
Newsletter Feedback
We want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback on our Weekly Newsletter. Newsletter Feedback Survey Go
Vice President of Labor Relations
Buck Potter (2022-2023 Term)
PM. I also want to remind you to fill out the Section 125 Survey, and bring your ideas and thoughts on an equitable way for this to be resolved in benefit of as much of the membership as possible.
A good one I heard last week was to have the College match dollar for dollar what we choose to put into a 403b or 457b retirement account, which LCC does support. Meaning, if I put in $40 per paycheck in my OSGP account, the College will match it dollar for dollar, up to $1000 per year. If you have other thoughts on this, please share them in either the survey or at the General Membership Meeting and make your voice heard.
I have been still hearing as I walk through campus from my fellow classified members how they are being sent emails or getting contacted by their managers concerning problems and feeling like they are being disciplined, remember your rights that are listed below:
Here’s some links concerning your rights as well:
Weingarten Rights | National Labor Relations Board – Nat’l Labor Relations Board
Weingarten Rights | Beaverton Chapter 48– Beaverton OSEA Chapter – Exact language to use should you be in a meeting that is potentially going disciplinary
Have a Fantastic week, and a wonderful Holiday Weekend!
Vice President of Organizing
Colin Vurek (2021-2022 Term)
Please don’t forget to attend the General Membership meetings today, November 22, 2022. There are two opportunities with a Noon meeting and another at 5:15pm. The primary topic will be upcoming changes to the Section 125 program.
I am still looking for members to join the Contract Action Team (CAT) and start training as Worksite Leaders! WE NEED YOU!
And please don’t forget that LCCEF members will be able to observe bargaining via Zoom. You can participate via chat in a separate Google chat room. I’ll be on both links.
I still have more union t-shirts available for Wear Red on Wednesdays! I’ll put the count below. If you are on campus, I’d love to deliver them personally to your office and meet you for a short chat.
To get your T-shirt mail me at: colinlccef@gmail.com
T-shirt sizes and count
- Small – 9
- Medium – 33
- Large – 32
- Extra Large – 6
I also have window clings and stickers for you to flaunt your support for your union! See below!

Grievance Officer
Dawn Rupp (2021-2022 Term)
Currently there are no grievances but a few folks we are working with to have some resolution to the dysfunction with management. If you are in need of help please feel free to reach out to any of your Executive Council members.
Please reach out to your EC team when you know of someone on the classified team that is struggling with illness or loss of someone in their family. We would like to make sure we are here to support all during hard times.
Opportunity for growth and understanding of others.
Center for Accessible Resources: Microaggressions
In order to provide an inclusive and welcoming learning environment for all, we must be conscious of microaggressions. Microaggressions are defined as statements, actions, or incidents regarded as indirect, subtle, or unintentional acts of discrimination against members of a marginalized group (such as a racial or ethnic minority or disabled persons). Microaggressions can have different levels of impact—individual, interpersonal, and/or institutional. We are each responsible for addressing our own microaggressions and biases and taking action.
CCPD and SafeColleges offer training’s that address this topic and give practical steps on how to identify our own biases, address and take action, and strategies in order to become an ally or advocate.
-Microaggressions and Bias in the work Environment – enter code Bias100622 to access the webinar materials
-SafeColleges Implicit bias and Microaggression Awareness
Submitted by Center for Accessible Resources
Quote(s) this week! ?
“We learned about gratitude and humility – that so many people had a hand in our success, from the teachers who inspired us to the janitors who kept our school clean… and we were taught to value everyone’s contribution and treat everyone with respect.”- Michelle Obama
“For me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile.” Elie Wiesel
Linda Reling (2022-2023 Term)
My heart goes out to the family and friends of the victims of the Club Q shooting and the Colorado Springs LGBTQIA+ Community.
Records Officer
VACANT (2021-2022 Term)
While currently vacant, this role is up for election this term and would be for two years in 2023-2024. Here’s your chance to get involved behind the scenes. Do you love taking minutes? The Executive Council needs your help! Please reach out to LCCEF President Frankie Cocanour at: cocanourf@lanecc.edu to express your interest.
Communications Officer
Marleena Pearson (2022-2023 Term)
Are your departments feeling the stretching of staff? On the EC, we have noticed everyone is feeling the strain of less staff and more work going around on campus. We need representatives from every department to join CAT and share their stores. As we count closer and closer to our full contract bargaining, it will be very important to have a member network to communicate and activate. Reach out to me or Colin.
Thank you for the newsletter feedback so far, we will continue to put effort into improving it.Help us make this newsletter work for you! Newsletter Feedback Survey Google Form
Membership Officer
VACANT (2022-2023 Term)
Enjoy reaching out to new employees? Interested in working closely with Colin and Linda to build out union membership with organizing and tracking?
Chief Labor Delegate
VACANT (2022-2023 Term)
Enjoy meeting with fellow unions in the county? Learning about what events, organizing, and partnerships are being offered throughout Lane County? Anyone appointed to this position would continue to serve the remaining one year of term in 2023.
COPE Officer
Fiora Starchild-Wolf (2022-2023 Term)
Given all the “election season” activity of the past few months, it’s nice to see democracy has worked again! People voted, ballots were counted, winners were announced and those who didn’t win conceded gracefully, at least in Oregon. However, this year, there were a number of candidates for office around the country who refused to say whether they would accept the results of their election if they lost. The elections officials–and the many volunteers who put in countless hours confirming authenticity of ballots and ensuring they are correctly counted–are really our heroes, as they serve us all. These people should never feel threatened for doing this important job, though they would be the first to welcome anyone who wishes to observe the process. Whether you personally were happy with the outcomes of various races, win or lose, I think we all won this election, because we saw nearly every race peacefully concluded with the winning candidate showing their gratitude and the losing candidate conceding.
If you voted, thank you! Your participation is what makes this all happen.
Just to show you a little “slice” of the power of our own union and our political work–this coming January, a new “Paid Leave Act” for Oregon begins to be carried out. The funding for this will come from payroll deductions. Two years ago, LCCEF endorsed a candidate for the Board of Education, Austin Folnagy, when he ran to fill the seat vacated by Matt Keating.
Austin has been very much oriented towards Labor, and supported your EC by encouraging us to bargain for the College to pick up the entire employee contribution towards Oregon Paid Leave. We successfully bargained that MOA this Fall, ahead of many AFT locals, who are now beginning to consider this. Elections matter, and maintaining relationships with our elected officials also matters! Thank you for your participation!
Officer At Large
This is another vacant position that is up for election this fall, anyone appointed would serve through the end of the year, so its a great way to try out the role! Are you a part- time timesheet employee who is looking to be more involved and help LCCEF build part-time power to increase benefits and working conditions for fellow part-timers?

Stay connected to LCCEF
Website: https://lccef.org/
Subscribe to Calendar: LCCEF Union Google Calendar
Email address: lccef@lanecc.edu