Hello LCCEF members,
Have you thought about how you can help our union this year? I know running for Executive Committee is a large commitment, jumping into the CAT or Worksite Leader roles might be too much or too unknown… but we have opportunities for every skill coming up. Maybe it’s a short term sub-committee we can have focused on one issue or a single event that will need assistance, could also be a regular task that could be completed that wouldn’t regular specific meeting times. Enjoy writing? Photography? graphic design? Talking to people? We have so many places to weave your skill in to make us stronger as we prepare for a year of bargaining. Contact us! LCCEF@lanecc.edu. We can have a conversation and find the best fit for you!
Join Vice President of Organizing Colin Vurek for more information THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2022 at noon!
Here’s the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88913139666