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October Newsletter, Issue #14

Issue # 14: October 18, 2022

Update from the President

Frankie Cocanour (2021-2022 Term)

Paid Leave Oregon Bargaining:

The bargaining team met with Shane Turner and Michael Blade. We shared our proposal with them. They said they would take our proposal to the cabinet team and that we would meet again on Monday 24, 2022 with their counter proposal.

LCCEF OPL Proposal

Public Student Loan Forgiveness:

The deadline for this year’s public student loan forgiveness is October 31st, 2022. If you have questions or need assistance, use this link.

AFT Public Student Loan Forgiveness

Federal Student Loan Relief:

You have until December 31, 2023. They will determine your eligibility then  contact you if they need more information from you.

Federal Student Loan Debt Relief

Trauma Counseling Programs and Services:

AFT is offering a new free benefit for union members in good standing. You can follow the link to read about the service. It has services that are work related and non-work related.


  • Aggravated assault
  • Domestic violence
  • Sexual assault
  • Mass shooting/terrorist acts
  • Major disaster

At work:

  • Bullied, harassed or threatened
  • Traumatized by witnessing a violent incident
  • Infection by contagious disease
  • Secondary trauma

You can also purchase extended coverage. Follow the link to find out more about this benefit.

AFT Trauma Counseling Programs and Services

Announcements and Reminders


Executive Council Elections

Executive Council Positions:

  • President
  • Vice President of Organizing
  • Grievance Officer
  • Records Officer
  • Officer At Large

EC Election Timeline:

  • Nomination Window – Oct. 10th-24th 
  • October 31st- November 4th – Meet the Candidate zooms
  • 12:01am – November 7th — 11:59pm November 20th – Election is open
  • November 21st – Results announced

If you’d like to run, email us at We’ll set up a google form for you. You’ll need to secure 10 “signatures” on those forms from members in good standing. You must get 10 signatures by 3:00PM on October 24th.

Newsletter Feedback

We want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback on our Weekly Newsletter.  Newsletter Feedback Survey Google Form

Midterm Elections 2022

The last day to register to vote in Oregon is TODAY, Tuesday, October 18, 2022 online or in person at your local elections office. If you’re registering by mail, your envelope must be postmarked on or before October 18, 2022.

General Membership Meeting

Save the date for our next General Membership Meeting October 20th at 12 pm and 5:15 pm.


Vice President of Labor Relations

Buck Potter (2022-2023 Term)

Labor relations are in full swing as we work with the College to review department staffing needs. We have 3 -4  labor relations issues we are working on, and have been having regular Labor Relations Meetings every two weeks with Human Resources. 

A reminder to all Classified Professionals, if you are having issues within your department, please contact myself concerning labor relations issues.  I’m currently dealing with a labor dispute, and want to make people aware of being mindful of workload expectations with the start of Fall Term and your job position assignments.

Vice President of Organizing

Colin Vurek (2021-2022 Term)

Your union Executives are gearing up for bargaining Spring 2023. LCCEF members will be able to observe via Zoom. You can participate via chat in a Google chat room. I’ll be on both links.

I still have more union t-shirts available for Wear Red on Wednesdays! I’ll put the count below. If you are on campus, I’d love to deliver them personally to your office and meet you for a short chat. 

To get your T-shirt mail me at:

T-shirt sizes and count                                         

  • Small – 9
  • Medium – 33
  • Large – 32
  • Extra Large – 6

I also have window clings and stickers for you to flaunt your support for your union! See below!


Grievance Officer

Dawn Rupp (2021-2022 Term)

Currently there are no grievances but a few folks we are working with to have some resolution to the dysfunction with management. If you are in need of help please feel free to reach out to any of your Executive Council members. This last Friday we were supposed to have a labor mgmt meeting but we postponed until 10/28/22.

Below are a couple of things you maybe interested in attending for CCPD credit.

Staff & Faculty Burnout – Scheduled for  Wednesday November 9, 2022 at 11:00am  (90 minutes).

·        Go to

·        You will be entering as a guest. Type your name 

·        Type in the Passcode: Avoid110922 (materials)

·        Closed Captions will be available, we will have access to the on-demand recording for 365 days

Dealing with Difficult Colleagues & Co-workers: Navigate Conflict Professionally & Effectively – Scheduled for Tuesday November 15, 2022 at 11:00am  (90 minutes).

·        Go to  

·        You will be entering as a guest. Type your name 

·        Type in the Passcode: Deal111522 (materials)

·        Closed Captions will be available, we will have access to the on-demand recording for 365 days

Two quotes this week! ?

“When you have balance in your life, work becomes an entirely different experience. There is a passion that moves you to a whole new level of fulfillment and gratitude, and that’s when you can do your best, for yourself and for others.”—Cara Delevingne

“Remember that work and life coexist. Wellness at work follows you home and vice versa.”—Melissa Steginus


Linda Reling (2022-2023 Term)

Remember to apply for Public Service Loan Forgiveness before the Oct. 31 deadline!

Records Officer

VACANT (2021-2022 Term)

While currently vacant, this role is up for election this term and would be for two years in 2023-2024. Here’s your chance to get involved behind the scenes. Do you love taking minutes? The Executive Council needs your help! Please reach out to LCCEF President Frankie Cocanour at: to express your interest.

Communications Officer

Marleena Pearson (2022-2023 Term)

I know this is what I said last week, but this is still where we are. We need people. See you Thursday.

Have you thought about how you can help our union this year? I know running for Executive Committee is a large commitment, jumping into the CAT or Worksite Leader roles might be too much or too unknown… but we have opportunities for every skill coming up. Maybe it’s a short term sub-committee we can have focused on one issue or a single event that will need assistance, could also be a regular task that could be completed that wouldn’t regular specific meeting times. Enjoy writing? Photography? graphic design? Talking to people? We have so many places to weave your skill in to make us stronger as we prepare for a year of bargaining. Contact us! We can have a conversation and find the best fit for you! 

Thank you for the newsletter feedback so far, we will continue to put effort into improving it. Help us make this newsletter work for you! Newsletter Feedback Survey Google Form

Membership Officer

VACANT (2022-2023 Term)

Enjoy reaching out to new employees? Interested in working closely with Colin and Linda to build out union membership with organizing and tracking?

Chief Labor Delegate

VACANT (2022-2023 Term)

Enjoy meeting with fellow unions in the county? Learning about what events, organizing, and partnerships are being offered throughout Lane County? Anyone appointed to this position would continue to serve the remaining one year of term in 2023.

COPE Officer

Fiora Starchild-Wolf (2022-2023 Term)

Hi All!  The upcoming election has some important consequences, both for community college funding and for labor rights and support systems.  Please know that, even though it’s a “midterm election”, there are many federal,  state and local races that are vitally important to our everyday lives, and our work at Lane. Many of us and our students will be affected in our personal lives by who is elected as Lane County Commissioner, Congressperson, Governor, etc. Every vote counts!


Things to do:

Check your Voter Registration: Deadline Oct 18.  You can check your registration or register to vote on the Oregon Secretary of State’s election website here.

If you’d like to help elect strong Labor Candidates who will support us in our work at Lane, you can consider weekend canvassing or phone banking for a couple hours.

Labor Candidates who we have heard from, and who AFT, and the Lane County Labor Chapter support are:

Dawn Lesley for West Lane County

Tina Kotek for Governor

Val Hoyle for Congress, 4th District

These candidates are very supportive of unions.  Val Hoyle has been our Oregon Labor Commissioner, and has, in fact, given direct help to the LCCEF as we bargained last year.

Alek Skarlotos,who is Val Hoyle’s opponent,  is completely inexperienced in political work, and has made it clear that he is against labor unions, particularly public employees unions.

Here is an email from Jet Bristol-Ramsey, who is helping to organize this work:

 Every week on Saturday at 10am and 1pm we meet at the AFSCME building for canvassing.

You can sign up for these shifts here

You can also doing phone calling to help elect Dawn here

*anytime between 9am-8:30pm

Officer At Large

VACANT (2021-2022 Term)

This is another vacant position that is up for election this fall, anyone appointed would serve through the end of the year, so its a great way to try out the role! Are you a part- time timesheet employee who is looking to be more involved and help LCCEF build part-time power to increase benefits and working conditions for fellow part-timers?

Stay connected to LCCEF


Subscribe to Calendar: LCCEF Union Google Calendar

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