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Bargaining Update – 10/14/21

Greetings LCCEF Members,

Your Bargaining team has reached a tentative agreement with Administration. 

We began this process back in March, with a strong team on our side, and have worked very hard to get a good deal for all of our members. Given the realities of Covid, current enrollment, and other college budget realities, we feel we have pushed for a much better deal than we were originally offered, and hope you will agree. We are working for and planning a ratification vote, and we will make all efforts to get ballots out to you as quickly as possible. 

Economic highlights of the final agreement:

  1. A 2.25% COLA increase for each of the two years, effective July 1, 2021.
  2. Full Step increase for all eligible employees for each of the two years.
  3. Add 1 full step to topped-out employees for the first year.
  4. Accomplish this by adding a step to each level AND removing the bottom step of each level. This is important because it automatically increases the bottom step of each level that new employees may be hired into, as well as giving those who are topped out an additional step.
  5. Add a Level (range) 18 to the Classified Salary Schedule to accommodate Level 17 employees to be compensated for taking a Lead role. 
  6. Eliminate the 80% parity salary schedule. (This appears in Appendix E of the contract.)

Initially, we were very far apart on our offers, but over the course of bargaining, your Bargaining Team’s goal was to ensure that, even if we can’t get everything we want, all employees would get something to help in these difficult times. 

We pushed hard for you, and even at the last minute, the last college offer prior to our agreeing was to give the topped-out employees a one-step increase, effective July 1, 2021, but dropped the COLA to 2.25% COLA this year and 2.00% next year. The Bargaining team countered last week with 2.25% COLA this year and 2.25% COLA next year. The college accepted the offer, getting everyone another .25%. 

There are no other changes to the last proposal we presented by either the Administration or Bargaining team, which had been one that many of you told us you would be happy with in our last survey. 

While we would always like it to be more, we feel we have gotten the best deal possible.

Below is the full agreement:

Memorandum of Agreement between Lane Community College And Lane Community College Employee Federation 

This communication represents a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Lane Community College (College) and Lane Community College Employee Federation (LCCEF). This MOA shall be subject to ratification by the LCCEF bargaining unit and the Lane Community College Board of Education. Once ratified by both LCCEF and Lane’s Board of Education, this MOA shall be considered irrevocable and the details shall be integrated into the language of the LCCEF collective bargaining agreement (CBA). This MOA covers the following details and agreements for the 2021/22-2022/23 economic reopener. 

1. A full step to all eligible members effective July 1st, 2021 and July 1st, 2022. In addition, all bargaining unit members at the top step shall receive a one-step increase effective July 1, 2021. This to be implemented by adding a step to the top of each pay range, and removing the bottom step. A 2.25% COLA effective July 1st, 2021 and a 2.25% COLA effective July 1st, 2022. 

2. The addition of range 18 to the Classified Salary Schedule to accommodate a lead designation for current range 17 employees. 

3. Eliminate the 80% parity salary schedule 

4. Modify 14.5 Holidays to read: (For employees hired into budgeted positions of .500 FTE or greater) Paid Holidays shall be awarded to eligible LCCEF bargaining unit employees consistent with the twelve (12) thirteen (13) designated Holidays listed below. Holiday compensation shall be pro-rated for part-time employees working .500 -.999 FTE. When less than full time (.500 – .999 FTE) employees are not scheduled to work on designated Holidays, such employees shall be paid for Holiday leave in the final June payroll annually (example: academic year employees who are not assigned to work in July or early September shall be paid consistent with their annualized FTE for July 4, and Labor Day). Employees other than continuous-operations personnel shall receive the following recognized paid holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day (first Monday in September), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day, the Friday following Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day*, the (last working) day before Christmas Day, the (first working) day after Christmas Day 

5. The College shall provide classified employees with appropriate opportunities and support for professional growth and development. The supervisor will work with employees in budgeted positions to develop a written professional development plan that the employee would like to pursue and would allow them to professionally advance within the College. With an approved plan, the College will allow staff members to schedule up to a total of ten percent release time from the job for any combination of approved professional development opportunities. These opportunities include, but aren’t limited to: participating in job or career related development programs or activities, job shadowing, facilitating College sponsored learning activities for other College employees for which they are not otherwise compensated, or taking college courses as outlined in article 13.2 of the Lane Community College Employee Federation Collective Bargaining Agreement. Available release time is limited to the time in instruction or active synchronous participation in selected programs (i.e. not for completing out of class assignments or study that has no set meeting times). In departments where there is high employee interest in participation or low staffing levels, employees and their managers will need to work collaboratively to find solutions to accommodate this professional development program. Such solutions might include, but aren’t limited to: staggering participation schedules so release doesn’t fall largely on the same days per week, or limiting the number of employees participating during a particular term, but shall work to accommodate plans as much as possible. Employees who feel that they are being treated unfairly in manager determinations about participation may file a grievance under the provisions of the Lane Community College Employee Federation Collective Bargaining Agreement. 

6. Modify the language in as follows: For the purpose of layoff and recall, an employee who is hired into a grant or bond-funded position on or after July 1, 2021, shall be considered to have seniority only for positions from that same funding source funded by within that program or department. A grant or bond funded employee shall be considered to have seniority for the purposes of layoff-recall after that employee has thirty-six (36) months of seniority in such a position(s) funded by that program or department. After this date, and after the recall or offer of recall to laid-off contracted non-grant employees, the employee will have the same recall and layoff rights as laid off contracted non-grant or bond -funded employees. Employees in these two categories shall be advised of grant or bond funding source termination as soon as such notice is provided to the College. An employee who is funded by a grant or bond and who was hired into the bargaining unit prior to August 1, 1994, shall retain all recall and layoff rights guaranteed under this contract.

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