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Virtual Wellness Rooms and Affinity Groups

We wanted to share with you a resource that Lines for Life has recently rolled out statewide. The Oregon Helpers Initiative is geared towards supporting workers who are helping others and offers peer-facilitated Virtual Wellness Rooms to communities statewide. These drop-in peer support meetings are open to all frontline workers including medical and behavioral health providers, social workers, home caregivers, educators, and more.

So many of you are working to support our community and our students through this harrowing time. We are grateful for all the work you do and hope this resource can be a support for you to find connection and prioritize your own wellness.

Each person will develop a toolkit of strategies to care for themselves during this difficult time, while surrounded by group support, guidance, and community. Building self-care skills is a necessary step in avoiding burnout and sustaining your ability to provide quality care for others.

We invite you to participate in the drop-in Virtual Wellness Rooms or Wellness Affinity Groups at your level of comfort.

Benefits of participating:

  • Stress reduction
  • Resource sharing
  • Evidence-based self-care strategies
  • Work-life balance strategies
  • Community with those who care for others professionally

Ways to participate:

Sobre información cómo participar en español, manda un correo electrónico a

We encourage you to share this information with any friends, family, or colleagues who may benefit. This is a state-wide free program and is not restricted to union members or College employees.

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