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President’s Update

To my Colleagues and Friends,

Here we are at almost August 1st! We are busy working for you on bargaining, the Us Too Grievance, putting together a vote that would allow us to use electronic voting, and much more….; however, we need your help. We have voted to establish some new committees, and we would love to have members volunteer to be on a committee.

COVID-19 continues to change the way business is done for the college and the union. We feel the disconnect everywhere with all of us not being together on campus. It used to be that we would walk across campus and stop each other to discuss what was happening. When I was at the union office I would have members stopping by to voice concerns or just to chat. I’m looking forward to going back to that. I miss having those people coming by, even if it was to tell me their frustrations with the EC and myself.

We are still bargaining with the college. That too is slower with us not being able to meet face to face. That is okay though; we are able to see what is happening in congress right now and are hopeful they will allocate more money towards higher ed. It is worth waiting to see what is happening. Worst case scenario is that higher ed doesn’t have more money allocated; that leaves us in the boat we are currently sitting in. If more money is allocated, it improves the budget for the college and will make negotiations easier on both parties, namely us.

We are still waiting to hear back on Comp and Class. We have put that onto the proposal to the college. We have also been talking to the LCC Board of Directors about it, and they have said they would like the college to work with us on it. 

Frankie Cocanour, LCCEF President

Board of Education and EC Updates

Please see below for the State of the Union speech I delivered to the Board on July 20, and for links to numerous important updates from your EC.

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