Bargaining Updates
Bargaining Proposal
The Bargaining Team’s recent proposal to the College included the following items:
- Separation Incentive
- Insurance Double Coverage Opt-Out Stipend
- Salary Adjustment for Class & Comp Study Results
- Half-Step for Step Eligible Effective July 1, 2020
- 2.5% COLA, Effective July 1, 2020
- Discontinuation of 80% parity pay schedule for C3 (hourly timesheet) employees
- SB1049 – Increase PERS contributions
- 2.5% for Tier 1 and Tier 2
- 0.75% for OPSRP
- Section 125 FSA
Separation Incentive and Insurance Waiver MOA
- The college is asking to take the separation incentives and the double insurance coverage out of the bargaining proposal and put it into a separate MOA.
- Your EC and AFT reps have deliberated and see no real benefit to holding this in the reopener proposal.
- There are no hard deadlines for us to sign off on this as there were for the furloughs, but there is some level of urgency if employees are going to retire or separate from the college. We will ask the classified members to answer in a poll if they are okay with the MOA.
- Before we release the poll, we invite everyone to leave comments with your feelings about signing a separate MOA (vs keeping these items in the proposal). The comments will stay open until Friday morning when we will open up a poll for everyone to weigh in. This is not a vote, we cannot vote in a poll. This is your EC leadership seeking feedback.
The poll is now open and accepting responses until Wednesday, 8/10, at noon.
Clarification regarding Dual Coverage Stipend Proposal and Flexible Spending Accounts
- This communication resulted in several members reaching out to the EC for clarification with regards to employee eligibility for the College-sponsored Flexible Spending Account or Dependent Care Coverage if they were not enrolled in the College’s health plan through OEBB.
- Section 125 participation and health insurance enrollment are considered different eligibility requirements.
- A person can opt to waive coverage (if they can provide proof of other creditable, non-OHP, insurance) and still participate in the Section 125 plan, for either or both of the medical and dependent care portion(s).
- This means those employees would also still be eligible to receive the College’s contribution to their FSA (as long as the employee continued to meet the contribution minimum) and would not lose out on those funds.