LCCEF Logo Color for Lights 040319-01

Announcement – Constitution Amendments – Vote #2

Fellow union members,

Thank you all for your participation in the last set of amendments. As promised, here are the other half of the amendments recommended by the Constitution Committee for adoption. Following the resolution of these amendments, the committee has no plans to introduce additional amendments during 2019. Bylaws work will wait until after officer elections. Please read these proposals carefully. Some of the changes proposed here include expanding who is eligible for holding office, changing some officer duties, and staggering elections to ensure some continuity in the executive council. 

The proposals below are presented in the order in which they apply to articles in the current Constitution. For reference, you can view a complete copy of the current Union Constitution (including the changes from the last set of proposals) at


Drop-in sessions: If you would like to speak with the Constitution Committee about these changes, drop-in sessions have been scheduled in LCC01/212 on October 15th and 17th, from noon until 1pm.


Table of Contents:

  1. Modifications to Article II, Objectives    1
  2. Update officer duties    3
  3. Reduce eligibility requirements for holding office to six months    5
  4. Clarify guidance and law around elections    6
  5. Clarify officer removal procedure    7
  6. Stagger election cycles and add term limits    9
  7. Remove requirement to sign regarding receipt of ballot    10
  8. Clarify that ex officio officers on committees retain voting rights    11
  9. Change how we send constitution and bylaw changes to affiliates    12


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