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9/4/2019 Communications Update

Table of Contents

General Membership Meeting Recap 

Thanks to those members who attended Tuesday’s meeting and educated themselves on the first 10 proposed changes to our constitution recommended by our Constitution Committee. The remaining proposed changes will be on a second, future ballot planned prior to our officer elections. 

At the meeting, Committee Chair Kyle Schmidt explained the reasoning behind each proposed change. The full message on the upcoming amendment election and proposed changes can be viewed here:  

Special thanks to committee chair, Kyle Schmidt and committee members: Elizabeth Andrade, Kenny Ascheri, Alen Bahret, Rosa Maria Banuelos-Uribe, Zhasmene Bowles, Matt Daskine, Robin Geyer, Nikki Li, Casandra Rhay, Linda Schantol and Marsha Sills. 

Still have questions? Please try to attend a drop-in session in Building 2, Room 213 from noon to 1 p.m. on one of the following days: Sept. 4, 5, 6. 

Members can also email Kyle Schmidt, Constitution Committee Chair, with questions.


Insurance Committee – Drop-In Enrollment Help Sept. 9

If you haven’t heard or read yet, the College will pick up the additional Pacific Source premiums for October since OEBB plans will not take effect until Nov. 1. 

Plan to attend a drop-in informational session if you have questions about selecting a plan: 

September 9: 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Bldg 2, Room 212

Drop-In Enrollment Assistance. In this computer lab setting, Human Resources staff will be available to assist you in the online enrollment process, through MyOEBB.


We need you!

Please consider running for office. Officer Elections will begin in a couple months and we need all hands on deck. 

Salary changes coming your way 

When will the MOA changes hit your paycheck? 

Sept. 10: Look for the 2.75 percent pay rate increase in your paycheck for payroll period Aug. 16-Aug. 31. The 2.75 percent reflects: 1.75 percent increase for move to OEBB and 1 percent increase as a cost of living adjustment. 

Sept. 25: Retroactive pay for July 1 to Aug. 15 for the MOA salary schedule adjustment 

Oct. 25: Look for change in insurance premium cost reflected in your paycheck. 

The salary schedules are being revised and will be posted to the HR website very soon.


Classified Staff Spotlight

Congratulations to Brendan MacDonald in Printing & Graphics who was recognized last week by the Employee Recognition Program as the Employee of Spring Term 2019. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to Lane’s mission, Brendan! 

Have a classified staff member you would like to recognize?  Send it to



Don’t take down those “Fair Contract Now” signs yet! 

The Bargaining Team picked up its team meetings (without administration) this Monday to work out next steps for the following outstanding terms in the approved MOA:  

When management sets future bargaining meetings, we’ll post and share with General Membership. 


UFCW Local 555 Strike Authorization Vote

A message from Dan Clay, President of UFCW Local 555.

After 92 meetings held across Oregon and SW Washington this summer, we now know the answer: a strike (which could take place anywhere in the jurisdiction against Albertsons, Fred Meyer, QFC, and/or Safeway) has been authorized by an overwhelming YES vote. 

Such an authorization does not automatically trigger a strike; instead, it provides the Local 555 Unity Bargaining Team with the discretion to call for a strike if/when the Team considers such action necessary.

The next negotiation session between the Unity Bargaining Team and the employers’ negotiators will take place this Thursday, August 29th. You’ll hear from us again after that meeting has concluded. 

Why is this in our LCCEF weekly communication???

I have included this information from one of our fellow unions because I think the members of LCCEF don’t really understand what it means to get a strike vote.  There are laws around when a strike vote can even happen and there are an immense amount of meetings and negotiations that happen along the way. 

Now that we have passed the change to OEBB insurance, the LCCEF negotiating team will be able to bargain for better wages without the looming deadline for insurance premiums.  This is nothing but good for the LCCEF. However, in order to get the wages we deserve we may have to be together enough as a union to pass a strike vote like our friends in UFCW did.  We are optimistic that the work we have done as your union leadership will be carried on by the next leadership group. If LCCEF can work together (leadership and members included), there is nothing we can’t accomplish.  It just takes cooperation.


Future Communication from LCCEF

Since the biggest parts of bargaining is done for this cycle we are going to reduce the number of these “Weekly Communications Updates”.  Information important to the union will still be posted to the website at and the website will still send out a daily digest email that includes titles and an excerpt for each new article.  Of course, when something important comes up that we need to share immediately, we will still do so using email from

We know that everyone has a lot of work to do (including us) and we don’t want to add to that work unless absolutely necessary.  We hope you understand and can appreciate our reasoning.

If you have a comment about this decision, feel free to share with


Upcoming and Current Work.

Many hands make light work!  We could REALLY use your help! To participate in any of these opportunities, or to find out more, click here.

  • Bargaining – continued negotiations 
  • Research into e-Voting for union business
  • The Constitution and ByLaws rewrite
  • LCCEF Contract Committee (educate members and managers)
  • Member Organizer Institute 
  • Officers in Training
  • Worksite Leaders
  • Grievance Committee


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