Fellow union members,
After meeting for all of last year, the Constitution Committee has almost finished the rewrite of our constitution. The constitution is the governing document of our union, and it’s important to read all of the proposals outlined in this communication fully in order to understand the impact each will have on the union.
In order to keep the number of issues on the ballot manageable, only about half of the proposals are being voted on at this time. Following resolution of these proposals, a new vote will be held for the remaining proposals.
The proposals below are presented in the order in which they apply to articles in the current Constitution. For reference, you can view a complete copy of the current Union Constitution at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ozOC53nXrLO2dhBGkgyU4D3r49rkY3kC
Drop-in sessions: If you would like to speak with the Constitution Committee about these changes, drop-in sessions have been scheduled in LCC02/213 for the following August 26, 28, 29 and September 4, 5, 6, 2019, from 12:00-1:00pm each day.
General Membership Meeting: We will hold a GMM to discuss the Constitution Amendments on Sept 3, 2019, in LCC04/106 from 12:00-1:00pm.
Members can also email Kyle Schmidt, Constitution Committee Chair, with questions. schmidtk@lanecc.edu