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Bargaining Update from meetings July 16 and July 17, 2019

July 16, 2019 LCCEF presented the college a new proposal.

Dennis Carr had a series of questions/information requests he posed to us.

During the meeting we reiterated that comparing the insurance premium college contributions, FSA contributions and any other economic issues with other colleges is not a comparison of apples to apples.  In order to accurately do that we would have to compare all factors of bargaining each year for both sides. None-the-less we left the meeting and went about answering Dennis’s questions to have ready for bargaining the next morning. We also prepared a MOA to present to the college instead of our 2 year proposal as it was clear the college will not give a fair economic package for the second year if we settled it this year.  We lowered the COLA to 2.2% from 2.8% because the college (for the first time) gave us a bargaining parameter of $520k. However, they said the 1.75% is supposed to be included in that $520k.  We refused to accept that since there is savings for going to OEBB that will nearly pay for the 1.75%. The college will get back to us on Monday, July 22, 2019, at 2:00pm.

If the college agrees to our MOA we will hold a General Membership Meeting in 4/106 on Wednesday, July 24,2019, 12:05-12:55pm.  Stay tuned.


Thank you to the members who showed up and supported the Bargaining Negotiating Team!! 

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