We met to share the details of the colleges proposal and LCCEF proposal, the status of bargaining and what we need to do next. We shared how to access all our updates and information on the website.
We gave an update to insurance:
- We’ve asked for RFP/bid from other Providers- not in yet
- No new Pacific Source rates yet
- We asked how many had attended the OEBB Moda Information Sessions and shared about the OEBB Kaiser Information Sessions to be held the next day
- Discussed the June 30 deadline to tell OEBB we will switch. That date for switching is 90 days before current plans ends. We can get an extension from PS but there would be a large cost for the extra 30 days.
- Discussed the negatives for switching to OEBB. Once in we are stuck – we have no control of plan design – and there is a law that enforces OEBB to not go up more than 3.5% in any year which means they may have to change plans every year to keep the plans low.
- Discussed the positives for switching OEBB. We would be in a very large pool. All of K12 and nearly every community college are in the pool. This keeps experience rating low which keeps premiums low. Historically faculty have paid zero to a very small premium for all plans since they have been on it for the past 10 years.
- We encouraged everyone to educate themselves about how the change would impact them. This is a very personal choice and only they can determine if it will be right for them.
- A question was asked about an individuals experience rating when they retire and how it would work for them if we are in OEBB. We found out the answer is this: experience ratings only apply to groups being insured each of us will have to fill out a provider application for insurance elsewhere if we leave LCC.
- Another member shared a belief that prescriptions will not be paid for until the deductible is met if on OEBB plans. That is true only of HSA plans. Depending on the plan chosen prescription benefits are paid much like they are on Pacific Source.
- See a brief insurance comparison summary based on 2018/2019 rates.
- OEBB RATES 19/20
- OEBB PLANS 19/20
- Pacific Source RATES 18/19
- Pacific Source PLANS 18/19
We learned in Bargaining on 5.24.19 that the Pacific Source rates are in now and the college will share those with the campus community this week.
We discussed the following Actions Members can do to help bargaining
- Sign pledge card – If you need a card reach out to any Union Officer
- Wear red on Fridays – If you need a t-shirt reach out to any Union Officer
- Hang signs and posters – If you need signs or posters reach out to any Union Officer
- Attend a Bargaining Session – Every Friday, 1-3pm, CEN 303 – be sure to use flex time, lunch time, or personal time
Last we handed out a brief poll about Insurance