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Election Committee email 6/12/2019

Greetings to all,
I’m sorry this is so long, but there is a lot to cover. Please read this carefully.
1.     Elections Team
2.       Partial Contract Offer
3.       Absentee Ballots
4.       How to have your Ballot counted
5.       Short window of opportunity for this Election. ALL BALLOTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CLOSE OF THE ELECTION, WEDNESDAY, June 27th, at noon.
First of all, I would like to remind you of the elections committee. The committee consists of Dennis Mills, Phil BarlowPowers, and myself (Don Patton)
We are starting the process to call and hold a vote on the Memorandum of Agreement between Lane Community College and Lane Community College Employee Federation. The MOA can be found at
We will be voting by Absentee Ballot. All members in Good Standing shall receive a ballot via Lane Campus mail. Ballots will be mailed on or before Monday, June 17, 2018. ALL BALLOTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CLOSE OF THE ELECTION, THURSDAY, June 27th, at noon.
There will be three places where you can cast your ballots. As usual, you can drop your ballots off at the ballot box located in IT, building 02 room 114. You can also drop them off on main campus in Building 30 front desk (or room 103). We will also have a ballot box at the Downtown campus, and it will be located in the Continuing Ed reception area. Our hope is that this will save time for those at the downtown campus as well as the Small Business Development Center Network and the Dental Clinic. We will also be picking up at Flight tech.
This election is important and we want to hear from everyone. For those not on the main campus or near a drop box, use of Lane mail or the US Postal service may be necessary. Unfortunately, this could cause for us not to receive your ballot if you mail it late. We recommend that you send your ballot back as soon as possible to avoid it being received after the due date.
Please contact one of your LCCEF Executive Committee Members if you have any questions about the contract. Questions about the election process can be directed to me, or one of our committee members.
Thanks so much for your patience as we present this process.

Don Patton – Elections Committee Chair 541-463-5565 (x5565),
Dennis Mills,
Phil BarlowPowers,

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