For those of you who couldn’t attend, or who didn’t have your full attention on the speakers this morning, here are a few things I picked up from our President and Vice Presidents.
President Hamilton talked about how she would like everyone to go to graduation so the graduating students can introduce their families to those who helped get them through. Heartwarming, right??? She went on to give some examples… “like this person who fed me lunch every day.” Of course, with the colleges plan, “this person” will be without a job around graduation time because Food Services is being outsourced.
We before Me!
VP Brian Kelly mentioned that, in the Egan Warming Center circles, everyone knows that you should go to Lane’s warming center because “we have the best food!” Of course, the CML does the cooking for the warming center, not Food Services, but how many people in the audience knew that?
I wonder how any Food Services people in the audience felt about these comments?
Thanks for the support and putting
We before Me!
Does this give anyone any ideas about how administration feels about the Classified staff?
Do we feel uplifted and held in high regard? I certainly hope not.
LCCEF is bargaining for our contract. Administration needs to understand that they’re not just bargaining with the 5 people who show up at the table. They are bargaining with the 700 people who keep this college open and available to the students that we are here to serve. They act like every job we do could be outsourced and the college wouldn’t skip a beat. If you think they are right, by all means, lets just take a pay cut, lose benefits and get on with life. If you agree that your contribution to this college, and its students, is valuable, help us help you.