Our third bargaining meeting with the college was Friday, March 15. LCCEF kicked off the meeting by submitting a formal proposal in response to the proposal submitted by the college the week before (see below).
Synopsis of our proposal:
- 2.8% cost of living salary schedule adjustment (to match CPI)
- Full steps for step eligible
- Additional 1/2 step added to top of salary schedule
- No increase in employee contribution to insurance
- Section 125 remains the same as it is currently
- Health Clinic participation remains the same as it is currently
- An additional $50 for C3 employee insurance stipend
- 32 hour vacation sell back (up from 16)
- Additional 3 days of paid time off over Winter Break (We are simply asking for these days back. They were taken away a couple years ago.)
- Some additional release time for LCCEF EC members to more easily manage the workload of the union
- $150,000 in CPDT with a .5 FTE employee to manage it (this is up from $0 now)
- Retro pay back to July 1, 2018 for those employees re-classed due to the Comp & Class study
- Creation of a backfill / floater pool of employees to assist, temporarily, in departments with heavy workload
- A monetary stipend, or comp time, for governance representation
The remainder of the meeting was taken up discussing Plus-1 items (looks like we might have 3 Plus-1 items), re-opening the early separation incentive for a short time now that the board has voted and what that would look like, finalizing the bargaining ground rules and discussing to-do items for the next meeting.
Bargaining Meetings are scheduled most Fridays from 1-3pm until completed (location CEN 303). These meetings will be open to members as silent observers. Members will need to use leave time or work out flex time with your manager in order to attend. Contact any of your Union Officers if you have questions.
We have 4 subcommittees formed to research, and provide information and insights for the negotiations team at the table. Those subcommittees are:
- Communications
- Insurance
- Surveys
- Contract Language (Janus Impact)
If you are interested in serving on the Bargaining Team or Bargaining Committee please reach out to us via our Interest Form. The LCCEF Bargaining Negotiating Team consists of Kenny Ascheri, Matt Danskine, Robin Geyer, Steve Kayl, Bryan Lally (AFT Rep), Nikki Li, Casandra Rhay, Dawn Rupp, and Marsha Sills.
You may be asking, “What can I do to help?”
- Talk to people in your area
- Send ideas to the bargaining team (bargaining@lccef.org)
- Become a Worksite Leader
- Sit in on bargaining and help spread the word
- Organize a “Wear your LCCEF gear day” in your area each week
- Think of other ways to help and send them to bargaining@lccef.org