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12-17-2018 Weekly Update

Table of Contents

UPDATE: Food Services/CML/Titan Store

Five of your Union Officers attended the Board meeting on Thursday, December 13, 2018 in support of the Center for Meeting and Learning (CML), Food Services and Titan Store. These services have all been under review since the summer of 2018.  We have posted new information in our weekly communications each time we have learned something new. Each of the 3 service departments have met with the college and the Union to engage them in conversation for restructuring ideas that would help them to be sustainable.  We learned what those recommendations were when the board packet was released to the Board, LCCEA & LCCEF just a few days before the Board meeting. We passed that information onto our members in our weekly communication Monday, December 10, 2018. Unfortunately that post was one day before the college met with Food Services to deliver the news.  For that we did apologized and are truly sorry. It was certainly not our intent to make matters more difficult but we did want to communicate with our membership as soon as possible.  

At the Board meeting, public comment was heard and the 20 minutes allotted for public comment was surpassed.  The room was filled to capacity with additional classified members spilling into the lobby. In addition we had 27 submissions from our members made through the lccef website.  Three of our Officers read the written submissions before handing them to the Board. Thank you so much to those who showed up and those who submitted comments. These things do make a difference!

Our impression from the Board’s questions and statements is that they are not in favor of outsourcing, however, some Board members did ask questions about local options for food services and bookstore operations. They recognized that the recommended changes from administration are not in line with our college mission and they do not serve our students, but we must remain financially responsible. They also understood that outsourcing of Food Services and the Titan Bookstore would have a domino effect impacting our International Students P&G.  There are many other issues to share and we will post them on The Board said they would prefer to see creative solutions instead of outsourcing. This is hopeful news, but we are not out of the woods yet, especially for Food Services.  We ask that everyone puts on their thinking caps and send us your ideas prior to the January Board Meeting. In addition, please attend the board meeting in January wearing your Union shirts.  Changes to these departments will be implemented July 1, 2019.

ULP Pre-Hearing Agreement

There are not, and have not been, managers, temporary or otherwise, serving as officers in the LCCEF.  There was a misunderstanding and a pre-hearing agreement reached. We are not aware of any other ULP fillings against us.

Our Classified Union is filled with excellent individuals like yourselves – some of whom have gone on to receive management positions. Remember Pat Griffin’s letter to membership as his farewell before accepting his new management position? Though we would prefer not to lose excellent classified members to management these changes are positive for our peers.  Some of our most respected and respectful managers started at Lane as classified employees. For example, Sharon Daniel, Craig Taylor, Thad Cowdin, Sue Norton, Don McNair, Jennifer Hayward, Heath Pierce, Russ Pierson and now Pat Griffin.

Administrative Transfers

(Classified Contract section 11.12) We all agree that sometimes employees just want a change in their work to feel energized again.  If you have found yourself stagnate and less than motivated in your work, perhaps a change in department or work would help. Since its inception, the transfer list has gone largely unused, but, in the past year, we’ve worked with the college to breathe new life into it.  We are attempting to use it as a means to help our members have new opportunities. When a position becomes available, HR will look at the list first to determine if there is a good fit for the vacant position before posting. We also encourage our members to reach out to the manager of a position you are aware of and interested in. Also let us know so we can advocate for you.  These are lateral transfers, not promotions. Reach out to Amanda Blunt in HR, or one of your Union Officers to learn more.  

AFT Winter School

Interested in becoming more involved in your Union?  AFT Winter School is only a few weeks away and is a great way to learn. We are interested in sending members who think they would like to run for an Officer position or become more involved in organizing.  See more information here.

Contract Information in Plain English

The following is a summary of a portion of the layoff/recall section of the Classified Contract. To read it in its entirety, please click here. As always, if you have any questions about the contract, you can speak with your worksite leader, or ask the EC member of your choice.

11.4 Layoffs/Recall (For employees hired into budgeted positions of .500 FTE or greater) Human Resources is required to provide at least 21-days advance notice if layoffs are planned.  Exceptions to this rule are

  1. If there is a position available for the targeted employee to move into (
  2. If the targeted employee has seniority and can bump an employee with less seniority in the same job class (
  3. If the targeted employee has seniority, but there is no less senior employee in the same job class, but there is a less senior employee if the same job family at the same pay level in a job the targeted employee is qualified to fill (
  4. If the employees job is grant funded ( Order of layoffs

  1. All non-bargaining unit employees by job family college-wide
  2. Less than .500 FTE bargaining unit employees by job family college-wide
  3. .500 FTE or greater employees on trial service by job classification college wide.
  4. Permanent .500 FTE or greater employees by job classification college-wide. Employees being retained must be qualified for the job to which they are assigned. Disputes regarding such qualifications shall be resolved through the grievance procedure. No employee is required to “bump” or accept recall to a position of lesser FTE or salary. Refusal of such a position shall not affect an employee’s right to recall.

Union Benefits – Discounts on almost everything

Huge selection of gifts for all ages 
Whether it’s a plush toy from your favorite brand like Star Wars or Disney, or you just need a little help finding that perfect, unexpected gift for your friends and family, we want to be your go to place on the web for exciting, unusual, and hilarious products.
As a union member, 15% Off Your Order (no minimum). One use per visitor.

Upcoming and Current Work.

Many hands make light work!  We could REALLY use your help! To participate in any of these opportunities, or to find out more, click here.

  • Bargaining in Spring 2019
  • The Constitution and ByLaws rewrite
  • LCCEF Contract Committee
  • Member Organizer Institute
  • Officers in Training
  • Worksite Leaders
  • Grievance council

Our union by the numbers

  • Membership: 800 Total classified  / 349 members (~43.6%)  / 451 (~56.4%) Non-members (As of 11/30/2018)
  • Officers: 7 officer positions filled  / 2 positions vacant (Chief Labor Delegate, COPE Chair)
  • Labor Management: 36 active cases including 6 multiple member/group issues. 61 resolved since Jan 1, 2018
  • Currently 1 formal complaint and 1 grievance.
  • Helped place 13 members in new positions with 1 more in process.

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One day this may be the only way to receive updates from your union. Just look to the right side of the home page.  If you have put your email in but did not receive a confirmation email, please let me know at

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