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Member Organizer Position Available

I’m pleased to announce that our local will be participating in AFT-Oregon’s Member Organizer Institute, a training and development opportunity for emerging leaders who are ready to take their union organizing skills to the next level and build our local for the future.

The Member Organizer Institute is a 3-month paid training program that teaches organizing skills through real-world experience in concert with AFT-Oregon staff and local leaders. This program capitalizes on one of our most valuable resources–our members–to help build union power and activism.

The goal of the institute is to train union members to grow our membership, engage current members in our union and ensure the long-term sustainability of our local by having members trained to continue their organizing work and help develop other members.

We are looking for members who are interested in using this development opportunity as a way to jump-start or deepen a long-term involvement with our local. Does that sound like you? Read on …

Program highlights include:

  • Attend a three-day organizing training with other member organizing institute/academy participants
  • Get real-world field experience under guidance from professional organizing staff
  • Regular team meetings with otherMember Organizer Institute participants to compare and learn
  • Establish & build organizing practices for our local

Send your applications and questions to Jessica Foster, The application deadline is September 14, 2018, but I recommend submitting your application ASAP to be considered for the program. More details about the program and the application below.

2018-19 AFT OR Member Organizer Position


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