The LCCEF Executive Council Officers (EC) is committed to sharing pertinent information in a timely manner while not inundating our members with unnecessary email. Our members have indicated they are overwhelmingly in favor of using a more passive approach to communications. To that end, we have created a website where we post information pertaining to union business such as bargaining, the college budget, insurance and other topics important to our membership. What we do not post to the website is unsubstantiated data, information that is rumor or conjecture, and information that is put out in a way as to elicit fear or cause stress to the union population.
Please understand that when the EC does not reply to a mass email it is not because it is hiding anything or afraid to answer. It is simply because the decision was made by the union membership that it did not want to be inundated by email threads full of inflammatory rumors, arguments, and finger pointing. We are committed to professional and respectful communications.
The forum is, and always will be, an open forum. The only “policing” that is done is to ensure the discussion guidelines are being followed. When a post or topic is moderated in some way there will be a note explaining why. Again, the only reason a post or topic will be moderated is because it breaks one of the discussion guidelines.
There is a lot of information posted to the LCCEF website already. The website is broken down into three main parts.
- The static pages for the committees, officers and other union business such as the union participation form, the union calendar and membership information.
- The blog, or “Union News“, where the committees post important information as it comes up. If you click on the Union News link at the top of the page, you will see all blog posts for all committees in the order they were posted. You can also see the last several posts by all committees on the right side of most any page under the heading “Recent LCCEF News”. Also, if you want to know what is going on with a particular committee, check their page and you will see their latest blog posts right at the top of the page.
- The forum. Again, this is an open forum where any and all conversation is welcome as long as it pertains to the union and it follows the discussion guidelines.
If you are not finding the information you are looking for, or you want a quicker way to find something, you can use the search feature built into the website. At the top right of the screen you will find a magnifying glass icon. Click on that and type what you want to know. The website will give you a list of pages, blog posts and forum comments that match your query.
Finally, if you are having any problems navigating the website, don’t hesitate to contact one of your EC Officers. Let’s remember that LCCEF, members and EC alike, are all here to help each other. The EC Officers always appreciate constructive criticism and are happy to communicate with members of LCCEF who are genuinely concerned or have helpful information that supports the union.