AFT-Or convention is May 6-9, 2018
AFT-National is July 13-16, 2018
Membership in good standing for at least one year and a minimum of ten (10) votes are required to be a delegate and/or committee member. Nomination forms shall be submitted with signatures of ten (10) members in good standing. Completed nomination forms must be received by the Election Committee Chair No Later than 12:00pm (noon) March 6, 2018. Nomination Forms will be sent by email to the membership on February 21, 2018 by Linda Schantol, Elections Committee Chair.
CBL’s Article IV,
Section 9, “..the candidate or issue receiving a simple majority of votes cast shall be declared winner.”
All voting will be by Absentee Ballot. All members in Good Standing shall receive a ballot by campus mail. Ballots will be mailed on or before March 12, 2018. All ballots must be received by the close of the Election March 30, 12:00 p.m. (noon).
Ballot Box locations: Bldg 2, Room 114, IT Help Desk; DCA 112; CEN 457C; Bldg. 30, 1st fl. Information Desk, or ballots may be returned via Lane inter-campus mail to Linda Schantol, Cen 457C, Language Literature and Communications (LLC).
A maximum of 3 delegates will be sent to each convention. The local President and Vice President are automatic delegates. In the event they do not attend those positions will be filled by election results. Executive Council may restrict delegates funded and/or limit reimbursement. Contact Casandra Rhay, Treasurer, at ext.5641 for reimbursement guidelines.
The Elections Committee and Audit Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, with the Chair selected by the committee. For more information see
NOTE: According to the LCCEF Constitution delegates are required to report con-
vention activities to the Executive Council.
Linda Schantol Election Committee Chair
Nomination form — AFT-National Delegate 2018
Nomination form — AFT-Oregon Delegate 2018